Waiting Upon The Lord.

Psalm 40:1-3 NIV

I waited patiently for the Lord He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimly pit He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

We serve a God who jumps protocols, God is not concerned about your background, academical achievements or how huge you have become. When He blesses no man can curse or reverse it, Numbers 23:8 NIV. He lifted me out of the slimly pit indeed and l'm forever grateful, and this is the reason l proclaim His goodness. Forever faithful God our present help in times of need, Christ in me the hope of glory.

Ladies l'm here today to tell you that all you need is to stand firm upon God's promises He will surely see you through. There is nobody who have trusted in Jesus's name who was ever put to shame. Your shout of victory is certain and coming.

Some of us here have been accused of something you didn't do and your accusers manipulated others in taking their sides, all you want to do now is seeking revenge l'm here my sister to tell you to be at ease, you don't need to prove a point God is for you and His word says to avenge is His, Romans 12:19 NIV. At this point they have decided to seperate themselves from you, don't worry the greater one lives in you and were God is taking you doesn't need such people. Sometimes we need that persecution to discover our potential and go on greater heights. God will bring the rightful ones in your life which have been divinely placed to transform your life. I call them Life Changers. When the right ones comes you will be amazed by everything around you. I have been there and l assure you God protests His own and blesses you with a shout of victory, joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. During such times l normally commune with Angels, they are real and are always at your disposal.

The Lord always vindicates His own. Keep on pressing towards the goal which is winning in Christ. Always remember that you are so loved and protected by the greatest force in the entire universe Jesus Christ.

Stand firm on the word of God never give up no matter the circumstances you may face in life, do not change your confessions speak the word it works and have power to change any situation.

Meditate on Psalm 40.

Lots of love

Ellen 💖💖.


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