Seeking God First. By Petronella Mapeta-Chinamora

 Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. 

First means giving initial priority, before you think of anything else, you start with that one.

Here God is telling us that we must seek Him first before anyone or anything. What we people normally do is that, if a child is sick we first rush to the hospital and pray later. This is not seeking God first. I went through a situation were l did not seek God first and ended up in a divorce.

Two years ago the Holy Spirit spoke to me about women's ministry. He told me to start a group Women Of Prayer (WOP). He said " women focus more on problems, pains and turmoils than me". They always try to fix issues by themselves, such that they forget that there is a God in Heaven, who loves them more. The Holy Spirit ministered that some women think that God loves men more than them, which is not true l personally also made the same mistake some years ago.

Seven years ago l went through a divorce, though I knew God but what l went through since I got married disturbed my work for God, because l used to preach and serve God in different ways. But everything changed cause I tried to solve issues and l got so desperate that l lost focus on God.

I went through a difficult time until one day God spoke to me through my sister Ellen. He said He " has ordered the steps of my life", l wept so much that night and repented because everyday in my life was of blaming God. Some years later that's when God told me to encourage women to trust in God and seek Him first and more everyday because He has better plans for them. He said " divorce is not and will never be a solution", but if we seek God situations will align to His word and change. God hates Divorce.

Today I just want to say to the women out there who might be going through the same situations, God wants you to seek Him first. He is ready to answer you, He has you engraved on the palms of His hands, you are special to Him. Take every burden to Him, don't carry it by yourself it's too heavy. Take that marriage, child, financial problem, whatever the case might be to the Lord because,

Mark 10:27

For with God all things are possible.

The enemy fights us more because we are equipped to influence the world positively and bearing many to the Kingdom of God. We have been given authority and power to make things happen in our homes, work places, marriages and everywhere. If a woman knows her worth in Christ she will never accept defeat, but will fight to the end.

Isaiah 43: 1-3

When you pass through the waters, l will be with you.

Fear not woman, for God is with you.

He is God of second chances, l went before the Lord and did put all my trust in Him again and He promised to restore my life. Seven years after divorce, l got married to a God fearing husband, one who supports me in my ministry. All things works together for good to them that loves the Lord. Now l'm fully equipped knowing that it's my duty to pray for my family which I used to lack in the past.

Ladies if we take our issues to God He is willing to solve them, let's not try to do it by ourselves because we will fail. Rather let's seek Him first and all these other things that we desire will follow. Remember nothing should seperate us from the love of Christ, no matter what you're going through, love and seek God with all your heart knowing that,

Jeremiah 1-5

He knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb.

I conclude by saying seek God first, and did you do that in the morning before anything else. Be blessed woman, remember you have authority in Christ, Shalom.

My name is Petronella Mapeta-Chinamora, l'm a born again Christian filled with the Holy Spirit. I'm completing my pastoral diploma in Charismatic Leadership this year. I'm a woman whom God gave a second chance in life and got married again. God blessed me with three children and three from my husband. I love serving God especially in women ministry so that we add more to the Kingdom of God.


  1. Amen , powerful women of God. I am greatly inspired by the powerful word of God and a wonderful testimony . May the good Lord continue to increase you . Help me oh Lord, to seek your Kingdom first, and all things shall be added into me, in Jesus'mighty name!

    1. Amen and amen to glory be the name of Jesus. And so shall it be in Jesus name. Indeed we need to seek Him first and everything l mean all shall be added into us. Thank you so much pastor Petronella for a powerful testimony.


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