Power To Shape The Future. By Petronella Mapeta-Chinamora

 Genesis 28:1

" Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and directed him"

We hear Jacob being blessed by his father and sent to Laban so that he could marry from there. This is were Isaac also married from. I have learnt the importance of a parent's blessing. If you read the whole chapter, Jacob on his way to Paddan- Aram he met God and He blesses him verse 15. It started with the father then God put a stamp, ( l'm sensing something powerful here). On your wedding day, you receive parents, church and God's blessings. This will be the beginning of your journey, it starts with the parents. Let me ask you what words did you speak on your children this morning, which you want God to put a stamp on?

There is a certain power which God has installed in us as parents to shape the lives of our children. No matter how bad your child, husband, your in-love (laws) are towards you, shape them for you have the power and authority. Just speak a positive word. Never allow anything or anyone to draw your attention from God, so stay focused and just speak the word. Isaac was never disturbed about what Jacob did to his brother but he believed in God of Abraham that He knew better than him.

God knows better than you, just do your best by speaking the word and God will do the rest. Besides Isaac knowing what Jacob had done he blessed him and along the way God blessed him. It doesn't matter how you see your child, how people see your child never ever speak negative words on him or her. Mold and shape the future of your child with positive words because God gave you the power and authority. No one can do that for you.

Isaac blessed Jacob and he became Israel the father of the great nation. Our God is a covenant keeping God, when you speak words on your child you are making a covenant with God, which you want God to stamp and bless even in the future. So what are you saying upon your children, upon those around you? Take time to think about this, when l read this word early this morning the Holy Spirit gave me this revelation, it touched my heart may the Holy Spirit help you to understand the power that God gave you.

Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tounge and those who love it will eat it's fruits.

Speak life in any situation, you have the power, stop crying but speak the word it will come to life. The great and bright future of your family is in your hands. Make a choice today, to speak like Isaac who paved a way for Jacob and God blessed him. He is a covenant keeping God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and for you and me as well. He changes whatever situation you are facing upon your family, Just believe in Him.

Repent today if your words, your thinking was always negative towards your family, business, ministry or anything. It's not too late, He is for you always.

Be blessed and shalom!

My name is Petronella Mapeta-Chinamora, who is a born again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. I'm completing my Pastoral diploma in Charismatic Leadership this year. I'm a woman whom God gave a second chance in life and got married again, God blessed me with three children and three from my husband. I love serving God especially in women ministry so that we add more to the Kingdom of God.

Meditate on Proverbs 18


Ellen ❤️❤️.


  1. True, God gave us power shape our future🙏

    1. Amen and amen for that power is in our tounge. Power to change our lives


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