Birth Of Jesus Christ Is Unto Us, Let's Celebrate by Petronella Chinamora

On the day that you were born, l mean your birthday do you celebrate the day or you celebrate that God has given you another year, that you have grown into another year. If you celebrate the day then you must be missing something. There are people who were born on the 29th of February if the calender has 28th of February does it mean you don't celebrate their birthday? You celebrate whether 29 or not because you are celebrating them and not the day. 25th of December or not we still celebrate Christ. If you know  Jesus Christ and have a relationship with Him, you will always celebrate Christ. 

We don't celebrate the day, but we celebrate Jesus Christ. The day came and it passed, it will never come again. The day He was born in a Manger but we celebrate what that day has brought to us. On Christmas we celebrate Christ. 

We celebrate the son of the living God, who accepted to become a sinner when He was not a sinner because of me and you. 

We celebrate that He was born, grew and died for me to be who l am.

There are so many people who have rejected Jesus Christ silently. Some are fraid of their friends, relatives because it's not their culture to celebrate Christ. Joseph nearly dismissed Mary because she was pregnant, thank God to the Angelic visitation that made him to change his mind. Don't reject Jesus Christ. He loves  you and He cares for you. Forcus on Him instead of the accurate dates. We thank God for the day of Christmas because we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

I would like to encourage someone to take some moment and meditate on the word and think about who Jesus Christ is to you? Take your time and think, that if it had not been for Jesus Christ where will you be today?

Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour today. He is waiting for you to open your heart and let Him in your life. Let him take over your life and your life will never be the same again and celebrate His birth. 

Isaiah 9 VS 6 "for to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God. Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

The birth of Jesus Christ is unto us, our benefit, our good let's celebrate Christmas because Jesus Christ was born unto us.

Unto us a child is born.

As you celebrate, may Jesus Christ visit you.

My name is Petronella Chinamora nee Mapeta, who is a born again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit.I hold a pastoral diploma in Charismatic Leadership. I'm a woman whom God gave a second chance in life and got married again. God blessed us with beautiful sons and daughters. I love serving God especially in women ministry so that many will come to Jesus Christ.

Meditate on Isaiah 9


Pastor Petty


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