Wait Upon God...by Petronella Chinamora

-As we are seeking God in the Beginning of the year, let's wait upon God without any other ways of our own but that His will only His will prevail.

-Men of Galilee waited and saw Jesus Christ going, in waiting visitation happened, in waiting prophecy was said Acts 1 VS 11

-Hannah waited upon God, she did not cease to seek God besides having Peninnah in her life. 1Samuel 1 VS 1 to 8. Rather whenever Penniah provoked her she would seek and wait upon God. She waited and was blessed with a son not just a son but a Judge, a Prophet of God. 

-The disciples waited in the Upper room and the Holy Spirit came and they spoke in different tongues and they were given power. ACTS 1

#Some could not wait longer for the Holy Spirit because of what they were hearing from outside. Someme could not withstand the pressures form other angles, the demands that came when they were waiting upon the Lord.

When you are waiting upon God don't look for news, don't hear people because they will discourage you. 

#if there were daughters and sons inlaws some could not withstood pressure from their in laws

#if there were parents they could not stood the demands from their homes

#if there were business people they could not stood the pressures in the business world(inflation, change of currency, closing of shops and everything and they left and went and committed suicide) 

-Abraham waited upon God, despite the age he waited and received his son.And he became the father of many nations. He became the father of faith. Its in the waiting.

-When Jesus and the disciples were due for tax, He sent Peter to the river and instructed him to catch fish and the 1st one he was to open its mouth and got some coins and they paid tax Matthew 17 VS 27. Do you think that it was not possible for Jesus to instruct the fishermen to go and borrow from their friends  or relatives or to go back home to their parents and borrow the money. God made a way and Tax was paid. 

An answer will always come to those who will wait, you will receive if you wait.

-Peter and John when they were in prison, they did not try to escape, they did not try to find means to come out of prison but they waited and praised the Lord whilst they were in prison and visitation took place Acts 12 VS 17

#Being in the waiting room its so painful but God is saying after starting with me, please wait for me.Please wait for me to take over, please wait for me to make a way because you started with me in the beginning. 

#Even if you face the Red sea in front and the Egyptians behind you, know that you started with me and l will part the water and the Egyptians you see you will see them nomore just wait.

#Even if you face the walls of Jericho wait upon the Lord, l will make a way don't try to climb the wall. I will pull them down if you wait upon me. Don't break the gate but wait upon the Lord. 

#Even if you will face the river Jordan in 2022 fear not just wait upon the Lord. God will not hit the waters with a staff but He will step upon the waters and you will pass. Just wait upon me says the Lord. Don't find a boat to help you cross because it will be like Titanic ship, it will hit an iceberky and it will break. Don't think that the formula that l used before or on someone else is the same formula for you, wait and see what l have prepared for you because l am a God who works in a miraculous ways says the Lord. 

Even if you will face the 5 famous and powerful kings, fear not just wait upon the Lord and He   will give you strength.

God told Zerubabbel that the war is not yours because he had sought God and waited upon  God. And prophecy came.2 Chronicles 20 VS 15

If you will wait you will see that the war is not yours. God will fight for you. Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, in the middle of that storm wait for me, in that furnace wait for me. I will be the forth man. I will never leave you nor forsake you..Wait for me in that chaos in your marriage, family, at your work place, chaos in your business, in your health wait for me because I'm reigniting light in your situation just wait, wait upon me says the Lord. 

Praise the Lord whilst in that situation, Praise the Lord for starting with you. 


My name is Petronella Chinamora nee Mapeta who is a born again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. I hold a Pastoral diploma in Charismatic Leadership. I am a woman who God gave a second chance in life and got married again. God blessed us with beautiful Sons and daughters. I love serving God especially in Women Ministry so that many will come to Jesus Christ.



 Pastor Petronella


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