God Has Given Us Authority and Dominion.

 Genesis 1:26 NIV

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

God's original plan from creation was that us His children dominate the earth He created and rule everything in it. That plan still exists even today but it's a pity that some of us His children we don't do as planned before. Adam sold this birthright in the garden of Eden but God is still saying that it's His original plan and still exists.

I want you to hear this from today God is not like a son of man that He should change His mind or lie, even today dominion and authority has been given to us and nothing can harm us. So we need to exercise it. Someone might want to know how? speak your way out of that situation, speak the word of God and you will conquer.

The devil might say things to you and they seem to make sense refuse child of God because dominion is your birthright. It's God's plan for you to rule everything that He has created and it's final.

So now sickness, lack, pain, depression, divorce shake them off your life because you have been given the power and authority to trample them and know this, they will do you no harm because He created you in His own image and you can do like our DAD....wow what a life. The moment l got this revelation l stood up tall and anything that comes my way is bread for me.

Psalm 8:6 NIV

You made them rulers over the works of your hands, you put everything under their feet.

After they finished creating the whole earth God said let us make man out of our own image so that they rule for us. This is so powerful God trusted us to dominate in what He has created so l want you to take possession of what rightfully belongs to us. Refuse to give in because the power lies within you take responsibility for everything in your life. God is not going to come and do it for us. He is resting it's our duty to claim back what the devil and his cohorts has tempered with.

Have no mercy for witchcraft, shake him off he is a liar a toothless dog. I want you to know that there is power within you. The Holy Spirit lives in you so don't be afraid of anything. 

God has given us power and authority.

Meditate on Genesis 1




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